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Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Capitol Academy

    2. A message from Krystel

    3. A message from the instructor

    4. How to use this course

    5. Pre Survey

    6. Agenda- What You'll Learn

    1. Module 1: Social Workers as Advocates

    2. Module 2: The Legislative Process- Simplified

    3. Module 3: Advocacy and the NASW Code of Ethics

    4. Module 4: The Art of Storytelling- Leveraging Client Experiences

    5. Module 5: Defining Your Objective

    6. Module 6: Developing Your Advocacy Strategy and Plan

    1. Module 1: Know the Rules to Play the Game

    2. Module 2: Do Your Homework! Where's Your Research?

    3. Module 3: Define Your Entry Point- Getting Started

    4. Module 4: Don't Be Partisan

    5. Module 5: Build Coalitions

    6. Module 6: Be SMART

    7. Module 7: Define Your Why and What

    8. Module 8: Influence the Drafting of Legislation

    9. Module 9: Take the Long View

    10. Module 10: Evaluate Your Efforts

    1. Module1: Executive Summary

    2. Module 2: Applying Learning Concepts

    1. Module 1: Congrats! Here's what's next...

    2. Module 2: Assessing Your Learning

    3. Module 3: Resources for You

    4. Module 4: Before You Go

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Ready to sharpen your advocacy skills?